Welcome to my online news web!
A quick introduction first!
I created this website because I'm taking a basic web design course as part of my extra classes! So every update I'll be posting is actually gonna be due an assignment that it was given to me there. Still, I'm super happy to start in this area, I find it really interesting and can't wait to start learning more about it.
Here I will be focusing on many topics, for example: music (favorite artists, song recommendations, playlists, etc.), art (favorite paintings, some of my drawings, tips, etc.), fashion (tips, favorite stores & clothing, shopping vlog, etc.), espirituality (crystal's guide, manifestation, tips, personal experiences, the universe and gallaxy, etc.) and travelling! (storytimes about my trips, packing tips, etc.)
Starting on in this homepage, I wanna upload something something that would help at least me to relax, this because al the school work or daily struggles that happen during life can make a day stressful or gray, so to help a little, I would look some space/universe images, they are mesmerazing and absolutetly pretty. Looking at them brings me peace and happiness, so I wanna show you some of them!
Here, a universe gallery to ease the mind:

credit: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/

credit: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/

credit: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
Episode 2: Arctic Monkeys Peru's concert info!
Introducing you to my first new in this website... here is a little bit of context. So, 3 days ago I went to Arctic Monkeys's concert and it was amazing, such a dream. I went with one of my best friends and we had such a fun time. The fact that when we arrived, we where really far from the stage and we couldn't see a thing- but at the end of the show we got to be almost in the first line! We needed to move A LOT through the people to get there. The more closer you got to the stage, the temperature got hotter, more people were pushing you and you were closer to them. Gladly, everything went just fine, we didn't have any ticket or age problem, we didn't get robbed and nothing creepy or uncomfortable happened.
Something super important when you go to concerts with someone else, is always being next to each other, especially if you are trying to get closer or just gonna move from your space. Everytime we wanted to get closer or the pushing was a lot, me and my friend would hold hands really strong so we didn't lose eachother. They where selling water during the concert but I didn`t get one because I felt if I drink it I would want to go to the bathroom and they were also REALLY expensive. But then at some point I needed some water, just a sip, the security were giving water to people by throwing water spring from the bottles, so I got a bit closer and got to have a sip, that was refreshing! For real, it even got a part of my shirt wet but it was fine.
In conclusion, going to that concert was one of the best experiences, me and my friend were screaming the songs and seeing Alex Turner right infront of us was unbelieveable. We had such a blast and I don't regret a single thing about it.
Okay, enough chit chat, now I will give you the link to my first article about this concert! I will be talking about not about my experience because I already said most of it up there in the introduction, maybe next time! Here, I will be explaning some details of the concert (like the buying tickets process, dates, information about the band, who are they gonna sing with, etc).
Here's the link to this article: Arctic Monkeys Peru's concert info news.
And here is the link to the PDF format of this article: Arctic Monkeys Peru's concert PDF version.
Hope you like it, see ya! Sending love, Florencia.